A Journey to GitHub Campus Expert: Tips and Application Insights ๐Ÿšฉโค


3 min read

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey as a GitHub Campus Expert? The opportunity to be a part of this vibrant community is here, as the GCE applications are open until the end of this month. Having personally navigated the application process and secured my spot in the GCE family, I'm thrilled to share some invaluable tips and insights that can help you stand out from the crowd.

Embracing Rejections: My Path to Success

Rejections might seem discouraging, but they can be powerful stepping stones towards success. Reflecting on my own journey, I faced rejection not once, but twice before finally earning my spot as a GitHub Campus Expert. These rejections taught me resilience, the importance of refining my application, and the drive to continuously improve.

Crafting a Standout Application

So, how can you create an application that shines amidst the competition? Let's break it down question by question:

1. Briefly Introduce Yourself and Your Community

This is your chance to introduce yourself with flair. Highlight your achievements, your passion for community building, and your involvement in other communities or open-source projects. Moreover, delve into your community's unique vision, its goals, the challenges it's tackling, and what personally motivates you to be a part of it. Don't forget to add specific details about the number of participants, core team members, and other metrics that showcase your community's impact.

2. Share Details about Past Events

Events paint a vivid picture of your community's vibrancy. List all the events your community has organized over the past year, focusing on the major ones. Highlight participation numbers and the impacts these events have made. If you've orchestrated large-scale events that drew attention, this is the time to emphasize them. Be sure to provide links to your community's online presence, enabling evaluators to explore its activities and initiatives.

3. Leadership Amidst Challenges

Narrate an instance where you stepped up to address a challenge within your community. Craft a compelling narrative that describes the challenge, the strategies you employed to overcome it, and the ultimate outcome. This storytelling approach helps showcase your leadership skills and problem-solving abilities. Reflect on the lessons you learned from this experience and how it contributed to your growth as a leader. Equally important, detail how your GCE experience and the program's resources can tackle current and future challenges.

Extending a Helping Hand

Are you seeking guidance, clarification, or a review on your application? I'm here to help! Feel free to reach out via direct message, and I'll be more than happy to assist you. Whether you have doubts, or questions, or would like a review of your application, I'm here to support you on your journey toward becoming a GitHub Campus Expert.

The Path Ahead

As the GCE applications unfold, remember that this is your chance to showcase your dedication to community building, your problem-solving prowess, and your vision for the future. Best of luck in your application process. Let's pave the way for an inspiring community of GitHub Campus Experts!

Connect with me on Twitter or Linkedin for more insights and discussions about community, tech, and the incredible journey that lies ahead.

If you're an aspiring GCE or have valuable tips to share, drop a comment below, and let's enrich each other's journeys!

Cheers to the adventure ahead! ๐Ÿš€
